Education is key to success

Education is concerned with the development of a whole person. It involves students acquiring knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that will be part of their life. It also involves caring for the development of individual intellect, emotional, social and physical growth.

John Dewey viewed education as 're-orientation, re-organisation and re-construction of experience'. By experience he meant knowledge, skills and values, attitudes and actions.

The Dakar Framework of Action 2000 defined quality of education in terms of recognised and measurable learning outcomes especially in literacy, numeracy and essential life skills. Article 42 of the Expanded Commentary on the Dakar Framework of Action further elaborates that quality education should satisfy basic learning needs, and enrich the lives of learners and their overall experience of living.

The measures to attain the required quality were suggested as:

Healthy, well-nourished and motivated students
Adequate facilities and learning materials
A relevant curriculum
An environment that encourages learning
Clear definition and assessment of learning outcomes
Participatory governance and management
Engaging local communities

the purpose of schools include: develop reasoning about perennial questions, master the methods of scientific inquiry, cultivate the intellect, create change agents, develop spirituality, and model a democratic society

What is education? The answer is, all elements in the opening paragraph and more, relate to education and all should be considered. This would be ideal and sounds good, but "all" is not possible where performance must be measured. Only what can be measured will be selected and the measuring tool is the written test. Anyone who does not have the ability to put clear thoughts on paper is labeled a failure. All natural skills, including knowledge processing, does not count. The fact is, what is exercised grows stronger, what is ignored stays dormant. The classroom exercises the collection of academics leaving all other natural skills in the closet

Without education there would be no critical thinking skills, that lead to new ideas and the development of new successful techniques or inventions. Education makes for new processes and studying opens the mind to new ways of thinking. Applying knowledge can make life better on a day to day basis

 Education plays a key role in life, without it any one could become discontented. Although some, dropped out of college and is content, a majority of the time educated people prosper; giving eager young minds the opportunity to fulfill their dreams. People who are well educated have a lot going for them— they could pursue a career in whichever field they dream. People who take education for granted may not have as many things going for them, due to lack of knowledge. Uneducated people may have experience, and yes experience matters but it can only go so far. Knowledge can be gained from experience and if an educated person already has the knowledge, it ’ s almost as if they were on a treadmill of life going two times faster than an uneducated person. Due to a personal experience of observing friends drop out of school, and statistics, education seems to have a positive impact on ones career, and more importantly one ’ s life as a whole.

A common complaint with high school students is the fact that they do not have enough time to do their homework. In the year 2000 American students are holding down more jobs, taking on more household responsibilities, and participating in a greater amount of extracurricular activities than any other generation of American students. As more and more distractions are made available to the American teenager, it is imperative that today's students are aware of the importance of doing their homework. Homework is a necessary component of every successful student's education. By doing homework, a student will learn independent thought, perform better in school, and provide a greater chance for economic success in their post education lives. Students, in order to succeed, must become responsible for their education. In a secondary school setting, students spend less than five hours of classroom time per week in any one particular subject. During this time, the teacher introduces new concepts and skills by building on previous lessons. In order for student, to become proficient with these newly taught concepts and skills, they must practice and work on these skills, so that they may be ingrained in the student's mind.

Education is the key to success and to open our minds to what can be in our lives.
Without a education you have nothing in this world


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